Monday, November 23, 2015

Making Necklaces on the Serger
`Fabric Frenzy`
This necklace is made from `Kaffe Fasset` fabric using 3 Thread rolled narrow hem and wire.  The threads are YLI Candlelight and Wonderfil Razzle.
`Spool Candy`
This necklace again uses 3 thread Narrow hem and wire.  The thread is YLI Quilt Highlights which is a Hand dyed Organic Cotton.  It is a braid rather than a `thread`. 
I thought the actual spools of thread were just so pretty that I decided to `miniaturize` them and make them into beads.  The spiral beads are made of wire and covered with the same thread.  Please note: this braid is about as thick as you want to go in the Upper Looper.  I used a thread carrier to thread it into the machine so as not to damage my machine.  There is a pattern available in my store.

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